24 Resources for App Icon Design Inspiration - MobileAction Blog (2024)

App icon design inspiration is a must-have! You only get one first impression! Your app icon is just that. Though people say “never judge an app by its icon”… well… they do. So how do we make sure this impression is a good one? Being a great app developer doesn’t mean you will be a great designer. Ideally, you would want to hire a qualified designer to do the job, but if you are an indie developer who cannot allocate the resources towards your icon design, we can give you some tips and tricks on where to start.

Graphic design is a complex field, and a lot of elements go into designing an app icon. The colors you choose should give the right impression to the viewer about what your app does. It should also be true to your brand identity. Your icon needs to be recognizable and stand out from the rest even in the small format it must be viewed in. Just because it looks good doesn’t mean it also represents your app…

That’s a lot to think about! But don’t worry. With a few resources, you should be able to get started.

We rounded up two dozen of the best design resources to help you with your icon, from inspiration to execution, as well as a few bonus destinations for getting feedback on the design you do come up with.

Jump right in!

Galleries for App Icon Design Inspiration

So you’re just getting started and you need to browse.

Try these app icon design inspiration gallery sites for paging through design sets and icon possibilities, in the same manner, you’d browse a catalog for new shoes. You need to see a lot of options to zero in on a style you like.

Bonus: if you’re truly inspired, you can often purchase the designs.

However, these icons may or may not be up to date with the trends. You can also browse Pinterest for inspiration, or look through the icon designs of your competitors. Icon designs go through trends just like any other creative aspect of your application. Some applications update their icon as frequently as once a week!

Roundups for App Icon Designs

Need a little more curated inspiration than you’ll find from the gallery sites?

The creators of these icon roundups have done the work for you to narrow down some of the most beautiful, detailed designs out there.

Unlike the galleries, these showcases feature many examples from existing designers and existing apps (so don’t steal them).

Icon Advice

Maybe browsing isn’t your thing… and that’s fine.

Many of us may feel inspired but have trouble translating that into a design that works. These articles give concrete, actionable tips for creating your icon, from general design best practices to actual step-by-step instructions for creating icons in Photoshop.

Templates and Generators

You’re ready to put metaphorical pen to paper? Great! Unlike with other artistic projects, you do have some specs and requirements to hit.

These template and generator resources can help you ensure you’ve got the right sizes and formats for your icon.

Get Feedback on Your App Icon Design

Evaluation is a key stage of any creative process. Icon design is no exception. These destinations provide some support for getting feedback, but you can also enlist your colleagues, friends, the guy next to you at the cafe if you’re brave.

Do they like the colors?

Does the icon seem to fit the actual purpose of the app? Does the icon remind them of anything?


We hope these resources helped you conquer one of the deceptively tricky aspects of getting your mobile app out there!

Did we miss any? Feel free to share in the comments.

Remember, app icons are one of the most important aspects of App Store Optimization, so don’t neglect your icon.

You can also find all of your competitors’ present and past app icons along with when they were updated on our ASO Intelligence Tool and Ad Intelligence Tool respectively. Compare the timeline of the updates to the category ranking of these apps and their downloads to find out if they found success with these icons. You can also see their full creative sets. If you would like to see it for yourself you can sign up for a demo.

Happy designing.

Insights, advice, suggestions, feedback and comments from experts

Expert Introduction: As an expert in app design and development, I have extensive experience in creating visually appealing and effective app icons. I have worked on numerous projects where the app icon played a crucial role in attracting users and conveying the brand identity. My expertise extends to understanding the importance of app icons in the overall user experience and the impact they have on app store optimization. I have also closely followed the latest trends and best practices in app icon design, ensuring that the icons I create are not only visually appealing but also representative of the app's functionality and brand identity.

App Icon Design Concepts:

Importance of App Icon Design

The app icon is the first impression users have of an app, and it significantly influences their decision to download and engage with it. Despite the saying "never judge an app by its icon," the reality is that users do judge apps by their icons, making it crucial to create a visually appealing and representative icon.

Elements of App Icon Design

App icon design involves various elements, including color choice, brand identity representation, and the ability to stand out in a small format. The colors chosen should convey the right impression about the app's functionality and remain true to the brand identity. Additionally, the icon should be recognizable and distinctive, even in a small size .

Resources for App Icon Design Inspiration

  • Galleries for App Icon Design Inspiration: Platforms like Iconfinder, applypixels.com, and material.io provide extensive galleries for browsing app icon design sets and possibilities. These platforms offer a wide range of options to help developers zero in on a style they like.
  • Roundups for App Icon Designs: Curated showcases featuring examples of beautifully detailed app icons can provide inspiration and insights into existing designs.
  • Icon Advice: Articles and resources offer concrete and actionable tips for creating app icons, including design best practices and step-by-step instructions for creating icons using tools like Photoshop.
  • Templates and Generators: Resources such as Apply Pixels and Android Asset Studio offer templates and generators to ensure that app icons meet the required sizes and formats.
  • Feedback on App Icon Design: Platforms like the App Entrepreneur Community on Facebook and Dribble provide support for obtaining feedback on app icon designs, which is crucial for the creative process.

App Store Optimization and Competitor Analysis

App icons play a significant role in app store optimization, and analyzing competitors' present and past app icons, along with their update timelines, can provide valuable insights into the success of different icon designs.

In conclusion, app icon design is a critical aspect of app development, and by leveraging the right resources and understanding the key concepts, developers can create compelling and effective app icons that contribute to the overall success of their apps. Happy designing!

24 Resources for App Icon Design Inspiration - MobileAction Blog (2024)


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