Angular DropDownList Component | Kendo UI for Angular (2024)

Angular DropDownList Component | Kendo UI for Angular (1)

Kendo UI for Angular

  • Enable users to select a single item from a pop up list of predefined options.
  • Part of the Kendo UI for Angular library along with 110+ professionally-designed components.
  • Includes support, documentation, demos, virtual classrooms, Visual Studio Code Extensions and more!

First Steps

Angular DropDownList Component | Kendo UI for Angular (2)
  • Give Users a Dropdown Menu

    The Kendo UI for Angular Dropdown List component is a form component that enables users to select a single item from a popup list of options. A richer version of the HTML <select> element, the Angular DropDownList does not include an input element for typing values and instead relies on the user to select a value from the provided data list.

    See the Angular DropDownList Overview demo

    Angular DropDownList Component | Kendo UI for Angular (3)

  • Data Binding

    The Kendo UI for Angular DropDownList enables you to bind it to various forms of data, including datasets of complex items (objects) or an array of primitive items. As a part of this binding, fields can be defined to represent the text displayed to the user as well as a separate underlying value to be used by developers.

    See the Angular DropDownList Data Binding demo

    Angular DropDownList Component | Kendo UI for Angular (4)

  • Grouping

    Group similar data items in natural categories to help users quickly and easily navigate and understand drop-down list. Define the field responsible for each category while you bind your dataset to the Kendo UI for Angular DropDownList.

    See the Angular DropDownList Grouping demo

    Angular DropDownList Component | Kendo UI for Angular (5)

  • Filtering

    While users cannot directly type into the Kendo UI for Angular DropDownList main element, you can enable them to search through the data items with the Angular DropDownList filtering mechanism. Rather than displaying in the input of the Angular component, the filter appears as a search box at the top of the drop-down. You can configure Filtering in various ways, including employing “starts with” or “contains” conditions to ensure an intuitive experience and accurate results.

    See the Angular DropDownList Filtering demo

    Angular DropDownList Component | Kendo UI for Angular (6)

  • Default Item

    With the Kendo UI for Angular DropDownList, you can specify a default value that will appear when the component initially renders. It provides a placeholder you can populate with the default value already selected or leave it empty. You can also use it as a label to indicate to users what to do or select from the drop-down list. By setting the Default Item property, the DropDownList will display your predefined custom value if users haven’t made their choice yet.

    See Angular DropDownList Default Item demo

    Angular DropDownList Component | Kendo UI for Angular (7)

  • Virtualization

    The Kendo UI for Angular DropDownList can handle large datasets without compromising performance. It comes with built-in virtualization that can easily process hundreds of thousands of data items at the speed of the users scrolling through the available options.

    See the Angular DropDownList Virtualization demo

    Angular DropDownList Component | Kendo UI for Angular (8)

  • Cascading DropDownLists

    You can connect several Angular DropDownLists to act as a data filtering mechanism—selecting a value in one affects the available options in the other. This is often referred to as Cascading DropDownLists. The Kendo UI for Angular DropDownList enables you to effortlessly add multiple Angular DropDownLists on a page to leverage data dependencies in your datasets.

    See the Angular DropDownList Cascading DropDownLists demo

    Angular DropDownList Component | Kendo UI for Angular (9)

  • Forms Support

    The Kendo UI for Angular DropDownList supports both template-driven and reactive forms, ensuring you can incorporate the Angular DropDownList in any Angular form.

    See the Angular DropDownList Forms Support demo

    Angular DropDownList Component | Kendo UI for Angular (10)

  • Adaptive Mode

    The Angular DropDownList supports an adaptive mode, enabling a mobile-friendly rendering of the component popup. The component automatically adapts to the current screen size and alters its rendering accordingly.

    See the Angular DropDownList Adaptive Mode demo

    Angular DropDownList Component | Kendo UI for Angular (11)

  • Templates

    Out of the box, the Kendo UI for Angular DropDownList renders items as plain text. You can utilize Angular templates to create a custom layout for each element, including the list items, the list value, the header and footer areas, as well as the message displayed when no data is connected to the Angular DropDownList.

    See the Angular DropDownList Templates demo

    Angular DropDownList Component | Kendo UI for Angular (12)

  • Globalization

    For applications that require support for multiple cultures, the Kendo UI for Angular DropDownList has built-in support for updating internal messages to different languages. Additionally, the Angular DropDownList can be rendered as RTL (right-to-left).

    See the Angular DropDownList Globalization demo

    Angular DropDownList Component | Kendo UI for Angular (13)

  • Keyboard Navigation

    The Kendo UI for Angular DropDownList comes with support for keyboard navigation out of the box to help users navigate and select data items using just the keyboard.

    See the Angular DropDownList Keyboard Navigation demo.

    Angular DropDownList Component | Kendo UI for Angular (14)

  • Accessibility

    The Kendo UI for Angular DropDownList is complaint with Section 508 standards, is AA rated with WCAG 2.0 and follows WAI-ARIA standards.

    See the Angular DropDownList Accessibility demo

    Angular DropDownList Component | Kendo UI for Angular (15)

  • Also Available for These Web Frameworks

    We support every popular web development framework and strive for parity among our component libraries. You can find the DateTimePicker for these popular platforms:

    • React
    • Vue
    • jQuery
    • Blazor
    • ASP.NET Core

Frequently Asked Questions

  • How can I try the Kendo UI for Angular DropDownList?

    You can try all Kendo UI for Angular Components by signing up for a 30-day trial. During your evaluation, you will have access to all the components,technical support, documentation and on-demand technical training.

    See the Angular Drop Downs Getting Started article for a quick tutorial. Also, don’t forget to sign up for a trial of the Kendo UI for Angular components library to get free support.

  • What other Angular Drop-Down components are available?

    The Kendo UI for Angular Components library includes a variety of dropdowns, each designed for a specific purpose.

    • Angular AutoComplete
    • Angular ComboBox
    • Angular DropDownList
    • Angular DropDownTree
    • Angular MultiColumnComboBox
    • Angular MultiSelect
    • Angular MultiSelectTree
  • Why should I choose the Kendo UI for Angular DropDownList?
    • All Kendo UI for Angular components arebuilt from the ground up for Angular. Many others are wrappers around jQuery or other technologies.
    • The component is highly customizable and can be easily modified to suit your needs.
    • It is one of over 100 other components in our Angular components library that developersuse to build modern, consistent UI.
    • Asacommercialproduct, it is frequently updated for Angular compatibility and user demand by a full-time team of experts.
    • Our support team consistently wins accolades from industry organizations and users themselves.
    • Each feature is meticulously documented.
  • How do I get started with the Kendo UI for Angular DropDownList?

    Getting started is easy. Visit the Angular Drop Downs Getting Started tutorial for an easy step-by-step tutorial. All you need to do is install the NPM package, add the component to a page, and set desired properties!

    Don’t forget to sign up for a trial of the Kendo UI for Angular components library. This gives you a 30-day license and access to support resources to help you during your learning and evaluation process.

  • Where can I buy the Kendo UI for Angular DropDownList?

    The Angular DropDownList component is one of over 100 in the Kendo UI for Angular components library which is part of the Kendo UI bundle. Kendo UI includes libraries forjQuery, Angular, React, and Vue. You can purchase Kendo UIonlineor by contacting sales.

    You can also choose to purchase DevCraft, which bundles all our .NET and JavaScript components.

All Kendo UI for Angular Components


  • Area Chart
  • Bar Chart
  • Box Plot
  • Bubble Chart
  • Bullet Chart
  • ChartsUpdated
  • Donut Chart
  • Funnel Chart
  • Heatmap
  • Line Chart
  • Pie Chart
  • Polar Chart
  • Pyramid Chart
  • Radar Chart
  • Range Area Chart
  • Scatter Chart
  • Sparkline
  • Waterfall Chart


  • Rich Text Editor


  • TreeList


  • Gantt Chart
  • SchedulerUpdated

Progress Bars

  • ChunkProgressBar
  • CircularProgressBar
  • Progress Bar


  • Button
  • ButtonGroup
  • Chip
  • ChipList
  • DropdownButton
  • Floating Action Button
  • SplitButton

Common Features

  • Data Query
  • Date Math
  • Drag-and-Drop
  • Drawing
  • Excel Export
  • PDF Export
  • PDFViewer

Conversational UI

  • AIPromptNew
  • Conversational UI


  • Badge
  • Loader
  • Skeleton

Diagrams and Maps

  • Map

Date Inputs

  • Calendar
  • DateInput
  • DatePicker
  • DateRange
  • DateTimePicker
  • MultiViewCalendar
  • TimePicker


  • Dialog
  • Window


  • FloatingLabel
  • Label


  • Icon
  • SVGIcon


  • Typography


  • ActionSheet
  • AppBar (NavBar)
  • BottomNavigation
  • BreadCrumb
  • Drawer


  • AutoCompleteUpdated
  • ComboBoxUpdated
  • DropDownList
  • DropDownTree
  • MultiColumnComboBoxUpdated
  • MultiSelectUpdated
  • MultiSelectTree


  • ArcGauge
  • CircularGauge
  • LinearGauge
  • RadialGauge


  • GridUpdated
  • PivotGrid
  • SpreadsheetUpdated


  • File Saver
  • File Select
  • Upload


  • Checkbox
  • ColorGradient
  • ColorPalette
  • ColorPicker
  • FlatColorPicker
  • FormField
  • MaskedTextBoxUpdated
  • NumericTextBoxUpdated
  • RadioButton
  • RangeSlider
  • Signature
  • Slider
  • Switch
  • TextArea
  • TextBox
  • TreeView

Bar & QR Codes

  • Barcode Generator
  • QR Code

Data Tools

  • Filter
  • Pager


  • Avatar
  • Card
  • ContextMenu
  • ExpansionPanel
  • GridLayout
  • Hint
  • ListBox
  • ListView
  • Menu
  • Notification
  • PanelBar
  • Popover
  • Popup
  • Ripple
  • ScrollView
  • Sortable
  • Splitter
  • Stacklayout
  • Stepper
  • TabStrip
  • TileLayout
  • Toolbar
  • Tooltip

Angular DropDownList Component | Kendo UI for Angular (16)

Get Started with Kendo UI for Angular

First Steps

Angular DropDownList Component | Kendo UI for Angular (17)

Angular DropDownList Component | Kendo UI for Angular (2024)


How to create a DropDownList in angular? ›

Getting started with Angular Drop down list component
  1. Dependencies. ...
  2. Setup angular environment. ...
  3. Create a new application. ...
  4. Installing Syncfusion DropDownList package. ...
  5. Registering DropDownList module. ...
  6. Adding CSS reference. ...
  7. Adding DropDownList component. ...
  8. Binding data source.

How to select first item in kendo angular DropDownList? ›

By default, you can select a DropDownList item by pressing a keyboard key. For example, if the DropDownList items are Foo , Bar , and Baz and the user presses the B letter key, based on the alphabetical order of the items, the keypress selects the first item which starts with a B .

How to get data from DropDownList in Angular? ›

The DropDownList loads the data either from local data sources or remote data services using the dataSource property. It supports the data type of array or DataManager . remote data services using the dataSource property.

How to set the value of dropdown in Angular? ›

Set a selected option using [(ngModel)] ngModel directive is used for two-way data binding. Here we are using ngModel to establish the two-way data binding between the variable of our component class and the selected option in the dropdown.

How to create a reusable dropdown component in Angular? ›

We initialize it -1 as a default, indicating that no option is selected initially. valueField: It specifies the name of the property in the dropdown items to be used as the value. In our case, uId is the value field, meaning the dropdown will use the uId property of each item as its value.

How to create custom multi select dropdown in Angular? ›

How to create Angular 7 MultiSelect Dropdown?
  1. Angular 7 MultiSelect.
  2. Project pre-requisites.
  3. Introduction.
  4. Loading data.
  5. Setting initial select value on MultiSelect Dropdown.
  6. Getting the selected value on form submit.

How to get selected dropdown text in Angular? ›

First, create the template variables for dropdown using #teams . Use the event binding to listen for the change event and link with the onSelect method. The onSelect method receives the reference variable and takes the value of the dropdown element. Next, create the onSelected(value) method in the TypeScript file.

How to get selected value from DropDownList? ›

The value of the selected element can be found by using the value property on the selected element that defines the list. This property returns a string representing the value attribute of the <option> element in the list. If no option is selected then nothing will be returned.

How do you display a selected value in a drop-down list? ›

  1. STEP 1 − Create a select tag with multiple options and assign an id to the select tag.
  2. STEP 2 − Also, create an empty DOM with an id to display the output.
  3. STEP 3 − Let there be a button element for the user to click and see the option selected.
  4. STEP 4 − Let the user select an option from the dropdown list.
Sep 12, 2023

How to create a dropdown search box in Angular? ›

Angular DropDownList Code Example
  1. import { Component } from '@angular/core';
  2. @Component({
  3. selector: 'app-root',
  4. // specifies the template string for the DropDownList component.
  5. template: `<ejs-dropdownlist id='ddlelement' [dataSource]='data'></ejs-dropdownlist>`
  6. })
  7. export class AppComponent {
  8. constructor() {

How to create DropDownList? ›

Create a drop-down list
  1. In a new worksheet, type the entries you want to appear in your drop-down list. ...
  2. Select the cell in the worksheet where you want the drop-down list.
  3. Go to the Data tab on the Ribbon, and then Data Validation. ...
  4. On the Settings tab, in the Allow box, select List.

How to bind a dropdown in Angular? ›

  1. import { NgModule } from '@angular/core';
  2. import { BrowserModule } from '@angular/platform-browser';
  3. import { FormsModule } from '@angular/forms';
  4. import { DropDownListModule} from '@syncfusion/ej2-ng-dropdowns';
  5. import { AppComponent } from './app.component';

What is the Angular DropDownList button? ›

The Kendo UI for Angular DropDownButton is a dropdown button which opens an additional list of action items in a popup when a user clicks on it. The Angular DropDownButton enables you to create the list of items from a data source, display icons, as well as define templates for a custom look and feel.


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Author: Margart Wisoky

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Views: 6029

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Reviews: 81% of readers found this page helpful

Author information

Name: Margart Wisoky

Birthday: 1993-05-13

Address: 2113 Abernathy Knoll, New Tamerafurt, CT 66893-2169

Phone: +25815234346805

Job: Central Developer

Hobby: Machining, Pottery, Rafting, Cosplaying, Jogging, Taekwondo, Scouting

Introduction: My name is Margart Wisoky, I am a gorgeous, shiny, successful, beautiful, adventurous, excited, pleasant person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.