Build Your Own Recipes for Kids (with Clean Up Tips Too!) (2024)

by Janice

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When it comes to their food, kids like to feel in control. Giving children, especially picky eaters, choices about their meals allows them to feel good about what they are eating and have fun and get creative.

Build Your Own Recipes for Kids (with Clean Up Tips Too!) (1)

With these simple “build your own recipes” for kids, you can make meal time fun and help your kids make healthy food choices. And since we know cooking with kids can get extra messy, we have some quick clean up tips for you too.

The Kids are in Charge with these “Build Your Own Recipes”

The goal of these recipe ideas is to let your kids choose the ingredients to design their own meal. There are a myriad of variations for you to offer up for your children and you certainly don’t have to (or want to) offer them all the first time. Choose ingredients that would work well together and offer enough options to let your kids have some choices, but not so many that they are overwhelmed.

[tweet “Giving children choices about their meals lets them feel good, have fun and be creative.”]

Build Your Own Wrap

From peanut butter and jam to cream cheese and avocados, wraps regularly replace sandwiches in our home. Wraps are versatile, fast, and easy to make — and whether you are creating a full meal salad wrap for yourself, or a quick apple and cheese wrap for your kids, wraps can save the day!

Build Your Own Recipes for Kids (with Clean Up Tips Too!) (3)

The variations are endless, but here are a few of our favorite starter wrap ideas…

Cream cheese (Plain, Herb and Garlic, Strawberry, etc.)
Peanut butter (or other nut butters)
Salad Dressing or Dip
Butter or Margarine


Seeds, Nuts, or Dried Fruits

  • Sunflower seeds
  • Pumpkin seeds
  • Crushed walnuts
  • Dried cranberries
  • Raisins
  • Fresh Fruit or Vegetables

  • Cucumbers
  • Avocados
  • Tomatoes
  • Apples
  • Bananas
  • Pears
  • Cheese, Meat, or Eggs

  • Grated cheddar or mozzarella
  • Crumbled feta
  • Chicken
  • Ham
  • Hard boiled eggs
  • For More Ideas, including…

    • Build Your Own Smoothie
    • Build Your Own Fruit Crisp
    • Quick Clean Up Tips

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    Written by Susan and Janice of 5 Minutes for Mom
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    Canoodle Indoor/Outdoor Building Toy

    About Janice

    Janice is co-founder of 5 Minutes For Mom. She's been working online since 2003 and is thankful her days are full of social media, writing and photography.

    Reader Interactions

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    1. Buddy Garrett says

      Getting kids involved in food preparation is a great way to encourage healthy eating habits.


    2. Jamie Hamilton says

      I think it’s important for the children to be hands on with helping prepare food. It makes them feel good and also helps build life skills.


    3. RICHARD HICKS says

      This is great for those picky eaters. Let them make their own dish to eat!


    4. laurie says

      this sounds like fun most kids would love this their always wanting to cook or help you cook


    5. anna says

      nice idea – got to do with my kids!


    6. Sky Evans says

      I love this creativity; it’s so nice.


    7. Betsy Barnes says

      What a wonderful way to encourage kids to be creative in the kitchen! My son loved helping me cook when he was younger, he was really good at it too 🙂


    8. Dana Rodriguez says

      I don’t have any little ones but these are great ideas!


    9. Linda Meyers-Gabbard says

      Awesome. This is a great way to get your kids involved in nutrition. Teaching independence in the kitchen. Learning how to prepare food will stay with them into adulthood.


    10. Veronica V says

      Great ideas! I don’t have children yet but this is a fun idea when my nephew comes over.


    11. Cheryl Free says

      I think it’s important for children to learn about food and cooking at an early age. This is a great start!


    12. Meagan bs says

      These are so fun, I should do something like this with my daughter 🙂 she loves to help me cook, I bet she would love this too.


    13. Migdalia - says

      I love these recipe ideas for kids! I’ve always believed children need to learn cooking skills- it’s an important life skill that will save them money on their health & take-out. It’s also a great bonding opportunity. My sons and I have more memories around the kitchen table thn I can name!



    14. Barbara Platt says

      love these recipes, it looks fun and so good


    15. Shawna says

      Great post and ideas! I’m definitely going to be doing this with my boys as they enjoy helping in the kitchen and I love them eating healthy meals!


    16. samantha Wagner says

      These are some great recipes. My kids love helping me in the kitchen.


    17. Linda Stewart says

      Definitely something I will have to look further into. It only makes sense that if you build recipes with kids in mind, and allow them to help out, they are more likely to eat and enjoy them.


    18. Bonnie Way says

      These are GREAT ideas! My oldest is a very picky eater but she loves to “help” in the kitchen so I’m going to try these with her! Thanks so much for sharing.


    19. Kristin says

      Yummm, so many great ideas!


    20. Shannon Leigh says

      Wonderful idea. Perhaps involving them in prep will encourage them to eat more nutritious food.


    21. Erin Ellis says

      Building your own wrap is such a great idea! My girls would love it.


    22. Clumsy Muffin says

      Have you ever tried adding greek yogurt in your wrap recipe? Greek yogurt is strained so it has less moisture (hello, creamy!). I use it instead of sour cream in a dip and in wraps. My kids love it.


    23. Snotty Noses says

      Such a good idea. I often find that when I present my kids with a variety of healthy options they pick out and eat something. If I just give them one healthy thing, it often gets refused! Would be great to try with pancakes too (the flat variety rather than the breakfast kind.)


    Build Your Own Recipes for Kids (with Clean Up Tips Too!) (2024)


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